
The One who We Love / Hate

The One

The One who You Loves, One Who you really Hate, One who makes you Smile are May be The Brave One, The Smart One, The Loyal One, The Wise One, The Crazy One, The Shy One…

We’ll Be There Every Step of the Character Arctype

We develop characters through a variety of techniques: Narration, Dialogue, Interaction with other characters, Interaction with setting, and Characters’ thoughts.


Talk about Character


Prepare Arctype


Connect to Story


Engage to Audience


Character Arctypes

1. The Leader

Our first character archetype is The Leader.

Commonly, this character archetype is forceful, a person of action. They’re confident, motivated, and brave.

2. The Caregiver

Our next character archetype is The Caregiver.

Commonly, this character archetype prioritizes the needs of others. They want to make the world right. They’re kind, generous, and supportive.

3. The Seducer

Our next character archetype is The Seducer.

Commonly, this character archetype is charming, a person of charisma. They’re confident, persuasive, and sly.

4. The Castaway

Our next character archetype is The Castaway.

Commonly, this character archetype is observant from a safe distance, a bit of a loner. They’re devoted, loyal, and introspective. But they can often be gullible and emotional.

5. The Rebel

Our next character archetype is The Rebel.

Commonly, these archetypal characters are energetic and individualistic, a thrill seeker. They’re street-smart, capable, and brave.

6. The Wildcard

Our next character archetype is The Wildcard.

Commonly, this character archetype is unpredictable, a person of improvisation. They’re often brutally honest, humorous, and creative.

7. The Professor

Our next character archetype is The Professor.

Commonly, this character archetype is literal, droll, and very often a genius. They’re logical, problem solving, and candid.

8. The Warrior

Our next character archetype is The Warrior.

Commonly, this character archetype is courageous, self-sacrificing, a person of honor. They’re strong willed, involved, and have a code.